Glove heating irons

Glove heating irons are used at the end of glove production process to ensure high quality products.

They reduce wrinkles and are used in quality assurance for seam control. We offer ironing forms for all common ladies' and men's sizes as well as special dimensions. In addition to straight shapes, you can also obtain anatomically curved shapes from us, for example.

If required, we can supply you with a complete unit consisting of ironing molds and an electronic control unit for heating the ironing molds.

  • Glove heating irons are handmade "Made in Germany"
  • All our expertise from over 70 years of metalworking for precisely fitting molds and sizes
  • Delivery as individual components or complete including control unit (48V) possible.

Key data Glove heating irons
Glove heating iron type Version Voltage Power Sizes Note Piqué
Seam straight (*) 48 V 140 / 160 W s. size table Per size and hand
(for left and right hand one shape each)
Prixseam and handseam straight (*) 48 V 140 / 160 W s. size table Per size (for left and right hand only one shape)
Thumb straight (*) 48 V 60 W s. size table Per size (for left and right hand only one shape)

(*) Special shape: anatomically curved. The anatomically curved glove heating irons are made to order and adapted to each glove. Therefore, in case of order, we need a pair of sample gloves for each size to adjust the irons.
Size chart Ladies 
Ladies Glove size  Width Ironing shape (mm) Length Ironing shape (mm)
  Piqué seam Thumb Hand Thumb
6 67 50 400 300
6 1/2 71 50 400 300
7 76 50 400 300
7 1/2 80 50 400 300
8 84 50 400 300
8 1/2 88 50 400 300
9 91 50 400 300
Size chart Men
Men's glove size Width Shape of wristband (mm) Length Shape of wristband (mm)
  Piqué seam Thumb Hand Thumb
7 1/2 91 50 400 300
8 96 50 400 300
8 1/2 101 50 400 300
9 106 50 400 300
9 1/2 111 50 400 300
10 116 50 400 300
10 1/2 120 50 400 300
11 124 50 400 300
11 1/2 128 50 400 300
12 132 50 400 300
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